Gorneo Lueckens reveals to Nina about Layfon's past as a Heaven's Blade Keeper. Much of Layfon's past is revealed, including his relationship with Leerin. Gorneo also reveals that he hold a grudge against Layfon for crippling Gahard Barehn for life. When Nina questions Layfon about his feelings concerning military arts, he replies to only keep his survival, but she refuses to accept his way of thinking. A human contaminoid attacks Leerin, but Derk Saiharden, her foster father, tries to hold it off, until Synola manages to save them. Savaris, identifying the human contaminoid as Gahard, harshly defeats him. Shante Laite attacks Gorneo out of the blue, but she knocks herself out by smashing her head into the ceiling. Later on, after a chat between Layfon and Felli, the former is confronted by Nina. She admits that she will not deny his way of thinking, but she does not understand it, concluding that he should resign from her platoon after this mission.